Try living on £60 a week, knock it down to £45 a week if your under 25, and the truth shines through, the dole is no longer economically or socially worth staying on. The people like myself who have to after very recently graduating, and having yet not found a job it is all the words Mr Purnell Work and Pensions Secretary suggests it is. It is degrading, horrible, worthless and above all pointless.
"Options Open"
The only options it seems for the jobless is to continue to apply, i have through my University life been involved with the Union, with societies and clubs and i have my degree one of which is average. Still no luck and no real help, I'm not lamenting the Job Centre they do the best job they can and they have brilliant staff, it's general lies from the press to people, from government to educational institutions none of them have a grasp on the real world and none of them ever will.
Lies such as the ones that come from Students least favourite Labour Propagandist Bill Rammell, a man so far deluded that he comes out with one stat probably produced in the 1980's that suggests students from University get more money than people who don't. It's probably true but does it improve your chances of getting a job, i doubt it.
James Purnell who believes that people should sign on each and every day for their paltry £60 pounds, how does this work James? How can a person living in such a remote part of the country who has the most awful of train links such as for example Cornwall, be able to sign on and then hop to wherever for a job interview in say a place like Bristol or even further a field? They can't it's a rubbish idea James. Furthermore what about places without Job Centre's such as St Ives and various other towns in Cornwall in which by public transport it takes 40 minutes which costs £4.50 return. Say a Fiver a day that's almost half of the dole gone, stupid frankly stupid.
"The media"
Oh i do love the media, they make politics a personality contest instead of deep discussion of policy because that's "BORING", well it isn't, the facts need to be said, the media paints people on the dole and benefits as scroungers, and they are not as I've shown above it's far from scrounging more like surviving.
All in all this is a discussion this country needs to have, people on the dole don't want to be there and for the record I've applied for 75 jobs that i have met the specification for in the last 5 months, had 9 interviews and still i haven't got a job, is this lazy? is this scrounging? No it's not it's the situation most of the 1.79 million find themselves in.
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