Tuesday, 12 February 2008

A Letter From America - Clinton Washout

I sit here with a coffee cup verging on empty and a Clinton Campaign verging on imploding, only yesterday many were expecting the sometimes fraught Clinton campaign to finally start to make inroads. But Super Tuesday followed by Obama's Super Saturday, and then defying the Clinton Camp in Maine to take a comfortable victory has left a solitary Hilary Rodham (Clinton) in crisis.

Young Man's Game

These elections are fantastic for the rhetorical student among us (Me) and Obama's message of "Change" is one that has got young America voting. In fact to many that is Obama's real difference and yet when politics is discussed with young people over here in Britain some will comment on it being the old man's game. Obama incidentally is 46 (47 when or if he enters the White House) and surely could be classed as an old man himself, but when the Clinton name has taken a battering and the media have destroyed the very essence of Bill by some labelling him a racist, the matter of age and association become blurred. This campaign for some is being viewed as a campaign between the young and old, Clinton the last of the 60's baby boomers and Obama the fresh faced Senator who is way before his time, yet it's not a suprise such a idea has been discussed for if Hilary was to take two terms 40% of Americans would have only ever seen a Clinton & Bush as president.

Clinton Comeback

So how Clinton come back, money is evaporating fast, and though the euphoria of “Super Tuesday” has now fizzled out into a black distant memory of celebration for Clinton she is far from finished.
Clinton has debates to come, something the campaign will rely on, they need trip the Obama train up, and policy is the issue they feel most certain on.

For all Obama's rhetoric it will probably come down to a battle for the mind rather than the heart. Obama could sweep all before him by taking Ohio or/and Texas, but if Clinton steals the states then we she could be back.......Will she? Who knows? My fair prediction is it's a race Clinton has to lose, but day by day Clinton's hope of taking the House is falling from view.

For the winner......a battle it seems with McCain.

Letter From America returns later this week.

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