The idea as always was to put together a list of albums in my Favourites, but I can't choose, the list was also supposed to be 20, but that would leave 2000 without an album as that year would suffer the cut.
Finally a track of the decade was to follow but I would have had to start earlier this year to complete such a task (If your wondering what would have been my favourite track of the decade then it's a toss up between I'm with Stupid by Pet Shop boys, Shining Light by Ash and All You Need Is Hate by Delgados, all but one of those albums doesn't make the album of the decade).
Some notable records are missing such as Coral, The Strokes, The Manics and even Radiohead still they are my choices and those bands still remain among my favourites so in chronological order here is my albums of the decade of the decade, I will announce my top 5 at the end.

Super Furry Animals - Mwng
"Welsh language was never delivered in such a compelling and yet mesmeric way, only Super Furry Animals could deliver such a masterpiece and make it last"
Top Track - Pan Ddaw'r Wawr
Ash - Free All Angels
"Pure Pop, from the Irish 3 piece (Including Charlotte), a revisionist piece that if done on an enemy may make him a saint, truly remarkable and made me fall in love with mu

Top Track - Shining Light
Seafood - When Do We Start Fighting?
"A grower and something that can sound so shockingly live in a spring can resonate so beautifully in the winter, an album that breathes new life every time you listen"
Top Track - Similar Assassins
Brendan Benson - Lapalco
"Developing a sound reminiscent of the greats, pure pop that shone vastly over anything his mate Jack Did"
Top Track - You're Quiet
Bruce Springsteen - The Rising
"The ghosts of 9/11 hang heavy as Springsteen ivokes the pain and captures the

Top Track - Lonesome Day
Flaming Lips - Yoshimi Battles The Pink Robots
"Wonderfully bleak, stark and glorious, Coyne's vocals painfully illuminate joy and sets a world to rights"
Top Track - Do You Realise?
Evan Dando - Baby I'm Bored
"An Unclimatic Hot dry summer, sitting in fields chewing hay, it was soundtrack to the Summer of 2003, beautifully folkful.
Top Track - All My Life
Gravenhurst - Flashlight Seasons
"Beautifully stark, empty dark nights wandering alone, humming the beauty out of these melodies"
Top Track - Bluebeard

Postal Service - Give Up
"Beeps to sink your heart too, songs to lose yourself in, dreams of things that you cannot be, stories and melodies to listen over and over to."
Top Track - Sleeping In
Explosions In The Sky - The Earth is Not A Cold Dead Place
"A collection that summed up why 2003 was a highlight in musical terms, a decade peaked to soon, loveless and highly dark but stunning and full of life"
Top Track - Six Days at the Bottom of the Ocean
Hope Of The States - Lost Riots
"Creative, Constructed and above all dominate in it's surroundings a back drop of darkness on soundscape that conquers the heart"
Top Track - George Washington
Ryan Adams - Love is Hell (Part 1)

"A suggestion for artists to have more control, a masterpiece from the master"
Top Track - Political Scientist
Adem - Homesongs
"Articulately crafted, beautifully delivered and sung in such a sombre voice, delightful and moving"
Top Track - These Are Your Friends
Final Fantasy - He Poos Clouds
"A masterpiece by Owen Pallett, a fast and furious pace scared but not afraid of the daring deliverance he is on"
Top Track - This Lamb Sells Condos

"A haunting masterpiece that is the soundtracks to short walked lanes, windswept top cliffs, a solace and illuminating piece that resonates of the southwest"
Top Track - Teignmouth
M83 - Before The Dawn Heals Us
"Intersped with terror, catches the essence of solitude and illuminates the evening of shallow darkness"
Top Track - Teen Angst
Crippled Black Phoenix - A Love of Shared Disasters
"A uniqueness of the songs, a delivery that cannot be matched, an album to fall in love to"
Top Track - Northern Cobbler

Nicky Wire - I Killed The Zietgiest
"The last expierement in self distruction, a beautiful failure, the closest album made to the intinalidealogy, Wire wins (and loses) the battle of the Manics"
Top Track - Shining Path
Lupen Crook - Accidents Occur Whilst Sleeping
"The dangerous memories, the unsettling mind, the welcoming presence of a true genius, Crook is a magical at producing the disturbed but delightful.
Top Track - Love 80
Two Man Gentleman Band -Great Calamities
"A collection of banjo bashing tunes that revoke memories of historical tales alongside blushing but amusing love songs, delicious."
Top Track - War of Northern Aggression
Windmill - Puddle City Racing Lights
"Captivating in its entirely, Windmills debut is special for his haunting vocals and brillia

Top Track - Toyko Moon
Alphabeat - This is Alphabeat
“Full of tunes, no pretence, no shame just straight forward brilliant pop”
Top Track - 10'000 Nights
Johnny Foreigner - Waited Up 'Til It Was Light
“Full of brash abrasive tunes, with a girl boy vocal that arrests and charms in equal measure.”
Top Tra

“Beautiful charming delightful and full of wit Carlberg makes folk, sweet.”
Top Track - 1983
Elle Milano - Acres of Dead Space Cadets
“Now Defunct outfit, a lost gem, a lost sparkle and a brash voice lost”
Top Track - Carousels

Karima Francis - The Author
"Written in struggle, delivered in tears, no track left unfinished from beginning to end"
Top Track - Morse Code
So the Top 5 of them well my favourite albums from each year are:
2000: - Mwng - SFA
2001: - Ash - Free All Angels
2002: - Bruce Springsteen - The Rising
2003: - Postal Service - Give Up
2004: - Adem - Homesongs
2005: - Final Fantasy - He Poo's Clouds
2006: - Lupen Crook - Accidents Occur Whilst Sleeping
2007: - Windmill - Puddle City Racing Lights
2008: - Johnny Foreinger - Waited Up'til It Was Light
2009: - Karima Francis - The Author.
And My Favorite Three well: Postal Service, Bruce Springsteen and Adem