Having spent the previous week in Manchester, at the infamous disengaged and divided Labour Party Conference of 2008, i return back home to take a rest. However it was only disengaged and divided if your a press hack scrapping for the smallest discourse of anger.
I believe Labour are united and a small Brown bounce in several polls will have pleased the Labour party faithful. Come this week the Tories expected to regain the small bounce however with the news of another bank being nationalised and the economy in it's most direst since the 1930's, the Tories have changed tack.
At the beginning of the week a headline grabbing mention of a freeze on council tax was overshadowed by the events over the pond as $700 billion dollars were not handed other and the stock market started to slowly plunder before close.
Will this affect the Tories? Well their rather offensive stance by a lesbian PPC that "Homosexuals have a duty to vote Conservative" will probably evade most except LGBT groups on both sides. It's offensive firstly due to the argument used, i very much doubt Homosexuals outnumber the amount of people without Children and with the civil partnership laws it allows for homosexuals to become couples.
Secondary this is mostly the same party that voted against Civil Partnerships and against the removal of Section 28 this includes their leader David Cameron, so no Margot James if any group of people should vote against the Tories it is homosexual men and women another contagious issue that came up only earlier this year with the Human Fertilisation Bill.
Saying all that i don't feel it will affect them, not like the economy could and measures by David Cameron today have changed Tory policy on the economy, a more supportive Tory led opposition will be born, however with a catch that the party will not be giving Labour any "Blank Cheques".
That is one duty Cameron and all the parties should be doing, in times of economic crisis we need constructive debate and action not bickering arrogance and above all "We are change, We Have Changed" slogans because judging by Yougov figures this hasn't quite worked.