Sunday, 5 February 2006

Prophet or Profit

A Media Backlash

So as the buildings burn in Syria and Lebanon and innocent Danish people lose jobs and security, we have to ask was it all really worth it. Pictures which depict certain racial jokes and prejudices have caused so much pain and so much suffering, however the much wider arguement stems from the fact that Primeminster of Denmark has so far refused to condone it. You can regret but condemnation in my opionon is the only sensible words to say.

You can only condone the actions of the extremists, which are a minority lets state that who are burning these embassies, but in condoning the west must understand that not every muslim or even middle eastern person is a terrorist. The lack of sympathy is disgusting espically for other minorities and the media is in particular to blame for these views. A manipulative media sparks hatred and discontent as shown we are about to enter maybe for the last time a new era.